会社案内Company Profile
- ごあいさつGreeting
今後とも暖かいご支援、ご指導を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 Our company’s theme is the endless challenging towards a new value creation.
Globalization of society, serious core of the environmental issues, such as the IT evolution development, the environment surrounding the company, we have changed rapidly.
Wisdom, to keynote the passion, as a company to make the things that we have been nourished, aims to pioneer of Manufacturing, which is expected from everyone to evolve technical capabilities, we will continue to further efforts.
Warm support in the future, thank you look forward to your guidance.代表取締役社長 宮尾 孔明Representative director Takashi Miyao
会社概要Company Profile
商号Trade name | 三共電子株式会社SANKYO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. |
設立Establishment | 1973年4月25日 (昭和48年)April 25th, 1973 |
資本金Capital | 2,000万円20,000,000 |
役員Officer |
従業員Employee | 85名88 |
取引銀行Banking relationship |
事業所Office |

【本社・OS事業部・ボイスナビ事業部】豊野工場 本社【Head Quarter・Outsourcing Division・Voice navigation division】
Toyono factory Head Quarter

【リード事業部】中条工場【Lead pin division】Nakajo factory
事業紹介Business overview
ボイスナビ事業部Voice navigation division |
リード事業部Lead pin divisionHP |
OS事業部Outsourcing Division |
会社沿革Corporate development
1973 | 三共電子株式会社を資本金465万円にて設立、創業開始 established SANKYO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. with capital fund JPY 4,650,000 |
1973 | 安茂里工場にてハーメチックシール製品の組立・検査開始 started to assemble and inspect hermetic seal product at Amori factory |
1978 | 長野県上水内郡中条村に中条工場を新築 established new Nakajo factory. Nakajo factory started to manufacture lead pins at Nakajo village, Kamiminochi county. |
1984 | 資本金を2,000万円に増資、安茂里工場移転新築 increased Capital to JPY 20,000,000. Amori factory newly rebuilt. |
1985 | FA事業部設立 established FA division |
1986 | FA事業部、音声合成分野に進出 FA division expanded business into voice synthesis field |
1988 | 中条第二工場新築 FA事業部生産部門移転 established Nakajo second factory. Manufacturing section was moved in. |
1988 | 安茂里工場にてセラミックパッケージの外観検査を開始 started to inspect the visual inspection of ceramic package product |
1989 | 安茂里工場にて薄膜パッケージ、マザーボード基板の外観検査を開始 started to inspect the thin-film package and mother board substrate at Amori factory |
1992 | FA事業部を電子機器事業部に改称 renamed FA division to electric device division |
1993 | 基板アセンブリ事業拡大 expanded substrate assembly division |
1995 | LD関連製品増産に伴い小市工場新設 established Koichi factory for LD related products due to the production qty increase |
1996 | 中条第二工場新築 expanded Nakajo second factory |
1997 | 技術部、営業部を中条工場に移転 The technical dept. and sales dept. moved into Nakajo factory |
1997 | 新型リードピン切断機の社内開発・製造 developped and in-house built our own brandnew cutting wire machine |
1997 | 精密リードピン生産ラインの強化 built up the precision lead pin production line |
1998 | 中条第三工場増設 established Nakajo third factory |
1999 | 電子機器事業部、バリアフリーアシスト分野に進出 expanded electric device division into bareer-free-assist field |
1999 | 安茂里工場分工場増設(中野、高丘) established Amori factory’s branch plant (at Nakano and Takaoka) |
2001 | 本社移転、小市工場、安茂里工場統合 Koichi factory and Amori factory was united. |
2002 | 電子機器事業部ストアアシスト分野に進出 expanded electric device division into store-assist field. |
2003 | 電子機器事業部がボイスナビ事業部に改称 renamed electric device division as voice-navi division. |
2005 | リード事業部 ISO9001 認証取得 Lead pin division was acquired ISO 9001 |
2006 | アウトソーシング事業部 ISO9001 認証取得 Out-sourcing division was acquired ISO 9001 |
2007 |
豊野工場新設 敷地面積:4,230m2、床面積:1390m2、クリーンルーム:230m2 established Toyono factory. Total site area:4,230m2, Floor area:1390m2, Clean room:230m2 |
2009 | 環境ISO 14001取得 acquired ISO 14001 |
2010 | リード事業部 豊野作業所開設 opened Lead pin division’s work area branch in Toyono |
2010 | 本社・総務、豊野工場へ移転 HQ and general affairs moved to Toyono factory |
2015 | ボイスナビ事業部 中条工場から豊野工場に移転 Transfer from voice-navi division Nakajo plant in Toyono factory |